Bad Credit Equity Loan Steps

By | November 1, 2009

home equity loan bad credit

First you need to figure out how much equity you have in your house. Typically you can base your home’s equity on the sales price or an appraisal price if you have one completed. You’ll need to check the papers you received when you purchased your home for these prices. Now you need to check one of the the most recent loan statements. Simply subtract the current loan balance from the total value of your home and you’ll get approximately how much equity you have.

Next you need to create a budget so that you can figure out what you can afford. Get your total net income, calculate your total monthly expenses, and subtract the expenses from the net income. Most people keep the expenses in a checkbook, Quicken, or simply online in a bank statement. It’s best to use the average monthly expenses for a year instead of just one month since they change. You can get this by adding your total expenses for the past year and then divide that number by 12. Now you can figure out how much of your income is available outside of your regular expenses by subtracting the average monthly expenses from your monthly income.

Now you need to determine how much you can really afford to borrow from the bank. Most people find that the easiest way to do this is with a home equity amortization calculator. Another way is to use a physical book that has amortization values in it. See what the potential home equity loan amount is, interest rate, and the term you want in months. Mpst equity loan rates run between 6 and 17%, and are usually higher for people with bad credit (I’m assuming you already understood the rates would be higher). Most lenders will typically only finance up to 80% of your home’s equity, but some will go as high as 90%. Look at what the monthly payments would be for the loan you want and see if your budget would allow you to make the monthly payments. Whatever you do – don’t get an equity loan without having the monthly income to support it.